Sunday, May 17, 2020

Time to Revive and Revitalize... New Podcast Endeavor!

It’s been a really long time coming since there were updates to this platform, but I really feel as if this is a perfect time to revitalize and revive the blog. Amongst many reasons, the most important reason is because I recently launched a podcast!  It's my piece of the Universe to explore topics that I think deserve just a little more attention through conversations with friends and some of the most interesting thinkers I know.  Ealy Morning Tea is a podcast that I have been developing for a bit and was waiting on the right time to release.  I wanted to better learn audio editing, line up lots of content, research all the tips and tricks to podcasting the right way... there was always a reason to put it off.  After a gentle nudge from close friend, I realized there would never be the right time and I would always have something to learn, so off the cliff we go!  Check out EMT at the links above; I’ll also include the links for where you can find EMT on most podcast hosts.

I’m looking forward to exploring and testing the best tools to use, as this is a living, breathing beast.  It will continue to evolve and grow over time as I continue to learn lessons and practice skills that I pick up along the way, but this is gonna be a fun ride!  I’m excited about the journey and to see where this new adventure takes us!

Listen in to Ealy Morning Tea wherever you get podcasts!  Don't forget to like, subscribe, favorite, follow - do all the things!

Social Media: 

You can find Ealy Morning Tea on: