This weekend, I took a little road trip. Nothing like a little time with your thoughts and some good music, right? My brother Troy, the BABY in our crew of four, was in a wedding here in Florida, so I traveled to the towns of Lake City and Wellborn, FL. It's rare that there are Ealys of my clan in The Sunshine State, so the fact that he and my mom would be 2.5 hours away was too close not to go! The group was only half-complete, but this mini-reunion proved to be exactly what I needed right now...
The first thing I did, of course, was drop my bags and bear-hug my mother! (It's still technically Mother's Day week, right? She let me postpone my celebration until she got into town, 'cause she's cool like that. But I'm getting off track...). It was also great to see my little brother, Troy, who is endlessly entertaining to me. I actually missed him on my trip home to Arkansas last April, since Full Sail's Spring Break isn't scheduled at the same time as anyone else's on the PLANET. :) It is what it is, though... and I finally got to see my Troy.
Spending time with my sibs is always fun. We laugh - A LOT. We sing any and everything that comes to mind. It's great! We just generally enjoy each other. We've been apart for a minute now, having not lived together in years because of college pursuits and moves, so I really do cherish the time we get to spend all together, as a fantastic foursome.
This trip, I had a chance hang out with Troy alone... in his element, with his best friend and their crew, doing their thing. I could do nothing the entire time but laugh and shake my head... this kid is SO MUCH like me! The way he interacts with people, the way he said EVERYTHING I was thinking, even the way he led folks dancing at the wedding! I was in awe just watching him work. In fact, by just participating in this weekend's events and watching and enjoying, I actually felt like I was beside myself - literally! It was absolutely surreal. And I loved it.
Your family sounds like a blast, Marcus!! Just like you ;)